domingo, 2 de abril de 2023




I. Apocalypsi

by Snogard


1.Mouth of Sword, Eyes of Fire

2.Weep Not, Behold

3.Scorned 05:00

4.Astral Blight

5.The Silence: Truth of Human Communion

Snogard's latest album, "I. Apocalypsi" is an immersive exploration of the biblical Book of Revelations through the medium of black metal. With over 200 hours worth of dedication and meticulous craftsmanship, this album represents Snogard's most intricate and thought-out release to date. With the power of mead, very late nights, and incessant hyper analyzation about minor details no one else will notice, Snogard pushes the boundaries of their own creativity and the genre itself.

Get ready to witness the apocalypse through the twisted lens of Froglin and Gorf Drakolisk.

I. Apocalypsi was written, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Froglin and Gorf Drakolisk

Huge thank you to:

Super Nova and Shana C. for putting up with us screaming in the spare bedroom

Ian Ness for the incredible album artwork on Instagram

Chase Pozzi for J card design and layout @pozzitivities on Instagram

And obviously shout out to Cursed Oath Records for giving us a platform and their endless support

releases June 6, 2023

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