Pasadena, California thrash metal band Anger as Art, featuring Bitch and Abattoir drummer Rob Alaniz, guitarist Danny Oliverio from Bitch and former Abattoir and Steve Gaines on bass (former Bitch, Abattoir and Dreams of Damnation) will release their new album "Ad Mortem Festinamus" on March 11th. The new album is the fifth full length release by the band and the follow up to their "Hubris Inc." album released in 2013. "Ad Mortem Festinamus" was recorded, produced, mixed, and mastered at Rev Studios, Chino, California, USA. The album will be released through Old School Metal Records and will feature the following tracks:
1. Ad Mortem Festinamus
2. Pissing on Your Grave
3. Aim for the Heart
4. Tombward
5. L.A. State of Mind
6. Unknowing, Undead
7. Hammer, Blade, and Twisting Fire
8. We Hurry into Death
9. Two Minutes Hate
10. Praise of the Firehead
11. Dim Carcosa
La banda de thrash metal de Pasadena, California, Anger as Art, que tiene en sus filas al baterista de Bitch y Abattoir Rob
Alaniz, al guitarrista Danny Oliverio de Bitch y ex Abattoir y el bajista
Steve Gaines (ex Bitch, Abattoir y Dreams of Damnation), lanzará su nuevo álbum "Ad Mortem Festinamus" el 11 de marzo. El nuevo álbum es el quinto larga duración de la banda y el sucesor de su "Hubris Inc." lanzado en 2013. "Ad Mortem Festinamus"
fue grabado, producido, mezclado y masterizado en los Rev Studios, Chino,
California, EEUU. El álbum será editado a través del sello Old School Metal
Records y contendrá los siguientes temas:
1. Ad Mortem Festinamus
2. Pissing on Your Grave
3. Aim for the Heart
4. Tombward
5. L.A. State of Mind
6. Unknowing, Undead
7. Hammer, Blade, and Twisting Fire
8. We Hurry into Death
9. Two Minutes Hate
10. Praise of the Firehead
11. Dim Carcosa