SUPERKOLLIDER - SUPERKOLLIDER (Wonderdrug Recs. , 2001):
Technical Data:
Recorded at New Alliance Studios.
Engineered by Ken Cmar & Ethan Dussault
Produced by Ken Cmar, Ethan Dussault & Superkollider
Cover Art / Design: Duncan Wilder Johnson, Shaun Mc Carthy and Mimi Boudreau.
Track List: 1-Resolution, 2-Transmission, 3-Mean, 4-Element, 5-Boldface, 6-Painstaking, 7-Human, 8-Blood, 9-Coffee, 10-Lust, 11-Hindsight, 12-Springtime, 13-Sleep
Looking to the over of the CD I expected a more pop sounding band or something more ethereal, but here is Superkollider making me eat my thoughts. Why? Because they make a really modern sounding metal (don´t worry !! This is completely different from bands like Limp Bizkit, no hip hop here). The band that came into my mind more often when listening to this was The Almighty in their heaviest format ("Crank" era), I think specially in the vocals parts and the hooks. The riffs are a cross between metal, hardcore and alternative music with a really fat sound in the guitars. Songs like "Transmission" and "Mean" have enough power to shatter your ears with their crushing riffs and fans of metal and hardcore would most likely be satisfied with this band. Songs like "Element" take a more metal approach in the vein of say Soulfly or Roots-era Sepultura. The thirteen songs here are totally certifuing that you will bang your head along them. Favorite tracks: "Transmission", "Painstaking" (really Almighty) and "Human". Contact: www.wonderdrugrecords.com and www.superkollider.com