Unbounded Terror were one of the very first bands to emerge from the nascent Spanish death metal scene, back at the dawn of the ‘90s. Now, more than three decades later they are poised to unleash their fourth and unquestionably finest full length album. Featuring an array of decaying death metal monsters, each touched with the incomparable magic of Unbounded Terror, Something Is Rotten In Humanity is a towering achievement from these pioneers of the extreme. This is the true sound of death at its soul-shredding, mind devouring, nightmarish best!
A pall of dark atmosphere descends with the opening chords of Something Is Rotten In Humanity’s fierce and unnerving first track. ‘Fear Of Dying’ tears out of the tomb, resplendent in its unholy putrefaction, armed with chainsaw guitar riffs and choking on grave dirt. That atmosphere of shades and shadows never lifts as song after flesh ripping song emerges from the night. Incredible solos blaze like funeral pyres, otherworldly melodies playing out across the smoke-filled skies as the strange magic of Unbounded Terror takes the classic elements of old school death metal and subtly subverts them into grotesque, god forsaken forms. First single, ‘Reviving’, is a masterpiece of ancient, primal aggression, while ‘Demons In Your Mind’ captures that perfect, wicked alchemy of addictive riffs, bewitching aura and lead work that lifts everything to the next level. Crushing, unstoppable, gory and glorious, Something Is Rotten In Humanity is everything that a death metal album should be.
Produced and recorded by the band’s own Vicente J Payá (Golgotha, Sons Of Cult etc) and mixed and mastered by Davide Billia (Avulsed, Holycide, Posthuman Abomination etc), Something Is Rotten In Humanity roars and snarls like an undead beast. Meanwhile, the cover artwork, created by Juan Castellano (Furnace, Vomitory, Ribspreader etc), is every bit as ‘classic death metal’ as Unbounded Terror’s music; depicting skulls with serpentine tales flying through raging skies above turbulent twilight waters. This is a dread dream come true for all disciples of death! Something Is Rotten In Humanity will be released by Xtreem Music on CD (featuring a bonus track), 12"LP, cassette and digital formats on April 1st and horror will follow in its wake.
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