ONASSIS´DAY - ONASSIS´DAY (Locomotive Music, 1999):
Technical Data:
Recorded at Borsing Studios, Aarhus, Denmark.
Mixed by Jan Borsing
Track List: 1-Intro, 2-1000 Little Ways, 3-Domino Circle Effect, 4-4 F.F. (Fucking Freedom), 5-Hybrid, 6-Pockets, 7-Hate, 8-I, 9-Number, 10-Help Me, 11-X-Rules
I can see a lot of influences in the music of Spain´s Onassis Day but none of them are really so strong that you might say that they are a carbon copy: Biohazard, Machine Head, Korn, White Zombie, Alice In Chains, Tool, some other bands of "new metal", etc. I think that this guys want their music to be really direct with few subtle moments (I think the guitars and keyboards give the music in here their more interesting aspects). Good riffs remarking the rhythmic aspect of the music ("F.F. (Fucking Freedom)" is pure Korn 100%). The main feature and the point that I think this band should use more often in the future is the combination between the keyboard phrases with the ultra heavy guitars like in "Hate" (3:00). A promising band with a great sound. Favorite tracks: "Hate", "Hybrid" and "Number". Contact: www.locomotivemusic.com