GRASS - CIUDADANO X (Locomotive Music , 2000):
Technical Data:
Recorded in Kirios Studios, Madrid, Spain.
Produced by Jesús Arispont
Cover Art / Design:
Track List: 1-Intro, 2-Animal Irracional, 3-Conversión, 4-Código Violento, 5-No hay Color, 6-Skankan, 7-Inocentes, 8-Ahora qué, 9-Mr. Hyde, 10-Tortura Temporal, 11- Yesterday
One of the most powerful bands from Spain, Grass mixes metal, rap, grunge and rock and roll getting one of the strongest sounds in modern metal. Talk about hooks? Listen to the chorus of "Conversión" (this song has a Machine Head like guitar riff) or to the riffs of "Animal Irracional" or the electronic elements and guitar rhythms on "Código Violento" to have just a small sample of what this guys can do. An excelent vocalist called Pekas gives a new dimension to the band (good vocalists that don´t abuse of high pitched vocals are really difficult to find). For those who love curiosities, this CD has an extremely heavy, Motorheadesque version of The Beatles "Yesterday" (full speed one, except on the chorus which sound quite funky with wah wah and stuff like that). If I had to describe this band with one word that would be original. Favorite tracks: "Conversión", "Inocentes", "Mr. Hyde". Contact: :