NEGLIGENT COLLATERAL COLLAPSE - R.S.D.E. (Obscene Productions, 2002)
Produced By: Robocop
Tracks: 1- Black Hole Monster in A Spin Releases Energy, 2- Billion Suns, 3- One Thing is Sure, 4- Buzz, 5- The Paul Dirac Medal..., 6- A Generalized Lie Derivative...., 7- KMM-Newton, 8- Electric Dynamo Effect, 9- Literate Phycisist Gets taste For Fiction, 10- Abalysis of Iron line, 11- The Hunt, 12- Payload Specialists, 13- Not Out, 14- MCG-6-30-15, 15- New Generation of Neutrinos..., 16- Something is Collapsed on my analbase, 17- Focused, 18- ON the Return Trip Home, 19- The Brain is Classical, 20- Two Dimensional Penrose..., 21- Quantum Modelling of the Mind, 22- Spacetimes Admitting Isolated Horizons, 23- Chain Reaction´s Domino Aka Termic Firer
Cover Art by Negligent Collateral Collapse
Recorded at Professional Sound Studio
The Czech underground scene must be really big because day after day there are extreme bands coming from that country. Here we have twenty three short compositions of this extreme grind death band. There are songs that are more grindcore than others but each of them is extremely brutal and each of them is played at full speed throwing here and there some rhythmic riff that adds more heaviness to the tracks. The songs are like a sudden burst of deathly energy: they are powerful, extreme and short leaving wanting more. The vocals are extremely guttural, in the grindcore fashion. Also, here there is some programming that gives an industrial feeling to the music that fits perfectly the music, specially when combined with one of the most processed vocals. If you like extremely brutal music with some twists then check this one.
Favorite tracks: Tracks 3, 7, 16