LEVIATHAN - DEL LADO DEL ROCK (Leviathan Recs., 2001):
Technical data:
Recorded at Mataderos Records, Sep-Dec 2000.
Mastered by A. Molina
Design and Layout by Daniel Trajtemberg.
Track List: 1- Marginado, 2- Destruyendo Agonías, 3- El Tren Se Va, 4- Oye Dios que me has Dado, 5- Mira Hacia lo Alto, 6- Postcrucificción, 7- Al Otro Lado del Silencio, 8- Lunes por la Madrugada , 9- No Bombardeen Buenos Aires, 10- Siempre que estás allí, 11- Desconfío, 12- Sólo Quiero Rock and Roll, 13- A Mi Manera, 14- Sucia Lady
This is Leviathan´s new recording and is a CD comprised of fourteen covers of bands mostly of Argentinean rock (but also including bands from Spain like Barón Rojo and Angeles del Infierno): ranging from the early seventies to the nineties. Bands like Kamikaze, la Torre, Polifemo or Pescado Rabioso were legends within their styles here in Buenos Aires. I think that Leviathan has achieved better results in those songs whose original versions were more related to heavy metal or hard rock, because this is were the band fits better. For example check "Solo Quiero Rock´n´roll" or "Oye Dios que me has Dado" to see the good results. Why am I saying this? Because if you are familiar with the original versions you will see that in those were the vocals tonality is more different than the ones from Javier C. Pereyra, the result is quite strange. It was a great idea to include new versions of "Sucia Lady" and "Marginado" that are songs from El Vago and Pereyra´s previous band called Flores Muertas. Favorite tracks: "Siempre que estás allí", "A mi manera" and "Postcrucificción". Contact: www.leviathan-hm.com.ar