miércoles, 1 de enero de 2003



SUMMON - DARK DESCENT OF FALLEN SOULS (Blackened Moon Recs., 1996)

Produced by Summon and Rob Tylah

Artwork by Erich S. Wilkinson

Tracks: 1- Intro, 2- Dark Descent of Fallen Souls, 3- Eve of Anticreation, 4- Beyond the Gates of Storm, 5- Necromantic Lust, 6- Midtro, 7- Under the Midnight Shadow, 8- Silence of Chaos, 9- Sorrows of Moonless Night, 10- Outro

This is Summon´s second album. After their debut that we have just reviewed they reached new depths of unholiness with this "Dark Descent of Fallen Souls". This album is a great step forward comparing to the previous one. It has better sound and better ideas in the riffs and the tracks. In fact I think that this is the recording where Summon found their own identity mixing their black metal with some death metal and thrash elements that amke the music more interesting. As always Xaphan and Necromodeus are screaming at the top of his lungs adding a barbarish and evil edge to Summon´s music. A black metal classic. Favorite tracks: "Under the Midnight Shadow", "Eve of Anticreation" and "Beyond the Gates of Storm". Contact: www.blackenedmoon.com