Finnish grindcore merchants CANNIBAL ACCIDENT have announced that they have signed to Italian label Time To Kill Records for the release of their new album.
"Nekrokluster" will be released on 26th February 2021 on CD, LP and digital format. The new song "Haista Vittu Ihminen" is now streaming at THIS LOCATION.
After various splits, EPs and three impressively brutal albums, CANNIBAL ACCIDENT are getting ready to return to the scene stronger than ever. The band is going to strike back with their typical blend of raw, groovy grindcore and death metal that reeks of that unmistakable stench, away from modern trickery and trends.
With the songs on "Nekrokluster" CANNIBAL ACCIDENT deliver their death metal side more than ever before but the rotten vibes of necroculinary old school grindcore with neckbreaking mosh parts are still very much present as well.
01. Coprofeeling
02. Wonderwall Of Death
03. Let This World Be Done
04. The Meanest Fish To Swim With
05. Totem Crucifix
06. Delete The Elite
07. The Unholy See
08. Mellanköttbullar
09. Sexual Matador
10. Corpse Positivity
11. Manipulative Violence
12. Travelling Through Flesh
13. Speedspring
14. Kindergarten Fritzl
15. Maggot Nest
16. Haista Vittu Ihminen
17. Head On A Stick (Kemper Trilogy part 2 The Obsession)
Bandcamp: https://cannibalaccident.bandcamp.com/album/nekrocluster
Bigcartel: https://timetokillrecords.bigcartel.com/category/cannibal-accident
History so far.
In the beginning of 2007 Lenets and Kolkka were boozing in their hometown Turku and they ended up in a local rock club. There were several bands playing and the name of the game was grindcore. Yeah, the bands played well but something was missing. Where the hell were delicious mosh parts that f.ex. Napalm Death and S.O.D. used to have? To tell you the truth, if your mosh parts are good then your song will be memorable.
Fueled by this ambition Cannibal Accident was founded to bring you old school grindcore with quality mosh parts.
Cannibal Accident has shared the stage and toured with f.ex. the following awesome entities: Gutalax, Cannabis Corpse, Rotting Christ, Misery Index, Exhumed, Cumbeast, Torture Killer, Inferia, Lubricant, Solothus, Convulse, Galvanizer and many others.
2008 - Vesa B.D. Salonen joins C.A. as bass (player)
2010 - Heikki Raisio joins C.A. to kick ass to mouth
2011 - Kurwa Doktor "Polish gift to genital science" joins C.A. for oral duties
2012 - Lindén replaces Salonen
2015 - Suodenjärvi replaces Lindén
2018 - Wilkman replaces Lenets
Line-up 2020:
Kolkka - guitar
Wilkman - drums
Heikki Raisio - brutal grunts
Kurwa Doktor - supersonic sodomy
Joni Suodenjärvi - bass & backing screams
Cannibal Accident CD (self-financed 2009)
Brutalent MCD (self-financed 2010)
Omnivorous CD (Nailjar Rrecords 2012)
Lennu 7"EP (Nailjar Records 2013)
Cannibal Accident and the Friends of Flesh MCD (self-financed 2014)
Cannibal Accident / Inferia split 7"EP (Nailjar Records 2014)
Ritual Paprika CD (Nailjar Records 2016)
Encyclopaedia Cannibalicum: Minimal Results with Maximal Efforts CD (compilation, Nailjar Records 2016)
Cannibal Accident / Skulmagot split MCD (self-financed 2019)
Shotgun Selfie CDS (self-financed 2020)
Time To Kill Records