Death thrash masters Master will release their new album "An Epiphany of Hate" on January 29th. The new album is thirteenth full length album and the follow up to their "The Witchhunt" album released in 2013. "An Epiphany of Hate" will be released on CD and later, in February, on 12" vinyl. The release will be done through F.D.A. Rekotz and will feature the following tracks:
1. Subdue the Politician
2. Fiction Soon Becomes Reality
3. Face Your Fear
4. Just Be Yourself
5. Just Take My Right Arm
6. An Epiphany of Hate
7. It's Clearly Eden
8. The People of the Damned
9. Senses All Will Be Controlled
10. Red Alert
Los maestros del death
thrash metal Master lanzarán su nuevo álbum "An Epiphany of
Hate" el 29 de enero. El nuevo álbum es el decimotercer larga duración de la banda y el sucesor de su "The Witchhunt" lanzado en 2013. "An
Epiphany of Hate" será editado en CD y posteriormente, en Febrero en vinilo de 12". El lanzamiento será realizado a través del sello F.D.A. Rekotz y contendrá los siguientes temas:
1. Subdue the Politician
2. Fiction Soon Becomes Reality
3. Face Your Fear
4. Just Be Yourself
5. Just Take My Right Arm
6. An Epiphany of Hate
7. It's Clearly Eden
8. The People of the Damned
9. Senses All Will Be Controlled
10. Red Alert