domingo, 20 de junio de 2004



SIKFUK- GORE DELICIOUS (United Guttural Recs., 2002)

Produced By: Sikfuk

Tracks: 1- Semen Dripping Wounds, 2- Orgasm Through Virgin Dissection, 3-Fresh Christian Cunt/Eat that Shit, 4- Still Born Feast / Festering Maggots, 5- Graveyard Pimp / Prostituting the Dead, 6- Maggots Gorelore, 7- Gore Battered and Deep Fried, 8- Anally Aborted, 9- Sloppy Eye Socket Seconds

Mixed by Bob Moore

Recorded at Soundlab recording

Here we have a pure goregrind band from the style that rips tyour barina appart. But despite having many fast moments the main grind feature here are the completely guttural and distorted vocals. Why I am saying this? Because this guys have longer songs, with more changes in the rhythms and they use slower riffs and a bigger sound than most of grind bands do. This can be described as technical grind because this guys have more technical skills than most opf the grind gore bands out there (incredible breaks with bass phrases). Plus they have an amazing bass player who plays the bass with some slapping and popping and always with a clean sound that contrasts with the one done by the guitars adding new feelings to each track and he has good bass technique. If you like new ideas and have anb open mind for grindcore then you should check Sikfuk´s music.

Favorite tracks: "Orgasm...", "Still Born..." and "Graveyard Pimp"
