QUATOUR ACCORDE - ANGEL GATE (1998-2000) (Emanem Disc , 2001):
Technical Data:
Recorded at: 1,8,12 - Middlesex University by Joel Conde e Silva, June 23rd, 1998.
2-7 - Gateway Studio by Steve Lowe - July 14th, 2000 and 9-11 in concert at St. Michael and All Angels Church by Martin Davidson - July 17th, 2000
Track List: 1-One, 2-Slow Getaway, 3-The End of the Beginning, 4-Scraping Through, 5-Fermage, 6-Turnstyle, 7-Eye of the Needle, 8-Two, 9-St. Michael´s Mount, 10-Not in Fitful Visions, 11-A Box of Lucifers, 12-Three
I am crazy for this experimental string quartet !! Their music simply can not be described with words. First of all, there is a warning: all the instruments here were used without amplification or other electronics. And they sound really electronic in some parts !! Amazing!! There are three double bass solos on this recording appropriately called "One", "Two" and "Three". It is really interesting to see how in some tracks the basis of the piece is constructed over the double bass and cello and in others over the violin and viola turning upside down the scheme of the songs. I think that in this recording the fundamental thing is the experimentation, to break musical boundaries, to explore, to create atmospheres that our ears are not so accustomed to listen. Check for example the phrases in "Slow Getaway" ( 2:50) to see how the instruments interact to give form to the musical piece or the cuasi-noises in "The End of the Beginning" to see how this musicians are always walking on the edge. This are twelve interesting tracks for lovers of total experimentation. Favorite tracks: "Scraping Through", "Turnstyle" and "St. Michael´s Mountain". Contact: www.emanemdisc.com or emanemdisc@aol.com