Produced By: HM Studios
Tracks: 1- In the Beginning (intro)/Far Away, 2- The Twin Towers, 3- Rebellion Song, 4- My Dear Friend, 5- Scream of War, 6- Mutant´s Tramps, 7- A Different Life, 8- The Day You´ll Stop To pray
Cover Art by Marco Cestagalli
Recorded at HM Studios
Toxic Poison is one of those bands that can mix with no difficulty modern sounds with classic thrash or death metal, adding a different perspective to the style. Here we have a band with an excellent sound (the guitars are devastating) whose style is difficult to describe because it has elements of thrash metal (in some rhythms) of death metal in some of the vocals and in the guitar sound, of modern metal in some drum patterns and guitar phrases. One thing to point out is the versatility of the singer, Teo, who does all the different type of vocals in a really good way. Plus, the band has a stranger side in some parts doing some atmospheric passages or some modern style singing (check as an example the track "The Twin Towers" to see all the different styles and parts that this guys do within the same song). I have to remark again the excellent sound that this recording has (nothing to envy to the top bands of the style). A must
Favorite tracks: All. One of the CDs of the Month.