Produced By: Mike Barile and Time of Orchids
Tracks: 1- Empress Curfew Inviolate, 2- Age gracefully, 3- Thread of the Dream, 4- Ulcer, 5- Laugh Track, 6- Party favors, 7- Scalex Throne: Shame of Heaven, 8- Graduation Day, 9- Son, I Saw It
Cover Art by Patrick Soriano
Recorded at Purple Light Studio
This band is extremely experimental: here you have nine tracks of experimentation with different sounds (clean guitars or extremely distorted ones), different rhythms (each of the tracks have many tempo and rhythm changes, some of them are unbelievable), different kind of vocals (from clean ones to distorted ones to screaming ones). Here we have a band that is not afraid of trying something new on each track: from atmospheres in tracks like "Age Gracefully" to brutal experimentation in "Thread of the Dream". In fact this guys also have great technical skills and they are extremely well rehearsed in order to play this material that is complex and fascinating. They don´t forget also the heavy elments in their music such as distorted guitars crushing rhythms and extreme vocals. A must.
Favorite tracks: The whole CD. This is a must for lovers of something new.
Contact: www.timeoforchids.com