jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2002



PHILIP GAYLE - PNBNA (Fleece Recs., 1998)

Produced by Philip Gayle

Recorded at Aztlan Recordings

Artwork by Tricia Moreau Sweeney

Tracks: 1- Leaning Tower of Dust Bunny, 2- Onion Smoke, 3- Crescent Moonflower, 4- Gallinule Legs, 5- Arasha Korosha, 6- Flower is a Pinata, 7- Lenvoy Lirp

Philip Gayle´s main goal on this recording is experimentation. And he has chosen to do it here through many different instruments: mandoline, 12 string guitar, cello, waterphone, just to name a few of the many that he uses through all this recording. The music contained on this recording is extremely spontaneous (they are solo acoustic improvisations) and boundaries breaking. In fact Gayle is constantly exploring new paths with his instruments in the search for the ultimate sound. Lovers of improvisation and experimentation will surely like this album that while melodic in many places is constantly surprising the listener with new sounds. Favorite tracks: "Crescent Moonflower", "Flower is a Pinata" and "Onion Smoke". Contact: www.philipgayle.com

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