jueves, 13 de marzo de 2003



OBBROBRIO / JAN AG SPLIT (La Fiera Dell´Odio Recs., 200)

Artwork by Obbrobrio

Tracks: The Obbrobbrio side has 29 tracks. The Jan Ag one has 18

How can I define Obbrobrio´s music.....in some places it is grind at ultrafast speed; then it goes in something like industrial....then they start using a cello....then they use electronics and a drum machine...and then they use a female vocal with clean guitars. A really weird band. I don´t know how many different parts they play through all the tracks contained here. The main thing here is the madness that this band knows really well how to do (maybe I would like them to do longer tracks in order to develope their ideas a little bit more). Then Comes Jan Ag which is a band that is pure grind with chaotic guitars and drumming and extremely guttural vocals. The tracks on this side are really short two and some of them have some interesting and rhythmic riffs that depart a little bit from the style. For grind maniacs and people who like strange music.

Favorite tracks: "Devil´s Grip - The Iron Fist"; "Extreme Shitting on the Monument" and " Vitu Addicted".

Contact: lafieradellodio@libero.it

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