viernes, 27 de junio de 2003



VIRULENT - UNDER THE HEX OF AMDUSIAS (Skullcrusher Prods., 2000)

Produced by Erik De Boer and Virulent

Recorded at Studio Harrow Prods.

Cover by John Martin

Tracks: 1- Renouncement, 2- Kali Yuga; 3- Cult of the Magma Mares ; 4- Regie Amdusias; 5- Necropolis

This is what I call a violent release. Guttural vocals, guitars with a huge sound, hyper fast drumming and all this with a really good sound. Here we have a band thata has a lot of heaviness on each riff and knows how to do everything sound heavier than hell. The production here is good and I think that with a better sound this band could be in the same level as for example The Forsaken. This recording si from year 2000 and I think they have evolved since then doing another recording called Azoth which is self produced. What I liked most here are the guitar riffs which are original and sound really well when combined with the explosive drums...also the bass player does a great job in making the structure of the song with the drummer. For fans of brutal death !!!

Favorite tracks: "Kali-Yuga", "Regie Amdusias" and " Renouncement"


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