martes, 23 de septiembre de 2003



CRUSH EFEKT - ECLIPSED (Independent, 2001)

Produced by Crush Efekt

Recorded at Slaymaker Studios

Cover Art by Sean Alley

Tracks: 1- Big Man, 2- Eclipsed, 3- Falling, 4- Education, 5- No Going Home, 6- The Last of Me, 7- Anthem For the Weak, 8- Powertrip, 9- My White trash Neighbors

Crush Efekt is really brutal, but not in the same sense that a brutal death metal band could be. Even if they share a lot of the brutality that this kind of bands have, Crush Efekt has a sort of hardcore feeling to their music. I think that is because of two factors: first of all the vocals that are more of the screaming type, and then there are certain drum patterns that brutal death metal bands don´t use and Crush Efekt uses a lot. Don´t get me wrong...Crush Efekt is not hardcore, but they have some elements of the style that fit perfectly their more brutal music.There are powerful guitar riffs here with a raw guitar sounds that makes things even heavier! And there are a lot of blast beat parts which are fast as hell (it seems that this guys has eight arms in many places). As I said before the vocals are of the type that add a lot brutality to the music because of their screaming tyoe (not guttural). The sound of the recording is really good, specially on the guitars that are the main element here and on the devastating drums. Brutality guaranteed.

Favorite tracks: "Eclipsed", "No Going Home" and "Powertrip"


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