jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2003




Produced by Vladimir

Recorded in vladimir´s bedroom

Cover Art by Vladimir

Tracks: 1- A Prelude To love and Death, 2- Le Philtre , 3- Following the Black Star of thoughts, 4- The Feeling of not Belonging, 5- War, 6- Vomiting Bitter Tears of Disgust, 7- La fatalité de l´amour véritable, 8- Memory must Remain, 9- Hymn de la mort d´isout, 10- Selbstmord

Vladimir Cohet is a genius. This guy has created this wonderful piece of art that is this CD, full of dark ethereal music that is a great combination of melodic atmospheric passages and heavy twisted ones. The music here has powerful guitar riffs in many tracks but the essential thing here are the melancholic melodies that are in all the tracks even in the heavier ones. The music has elments of black metal like for example some fast rhythms and the screaming vocals . there are acoustic passages like the ones in "The Feeling of not belonging which are amazing and gives a lot of originality to the tracks. I think Vladimir is really good at doing orchestrations and harmonizations of musical pieces. As an example of this I suggest listening to the track "Le Philtre" which is magnificent. Vladimir also has other musical projects that I would really like to listen soon.

Favorite tracks: All this CD is magnificent

Contact: www.unholymatrimony.cjb.net

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