viernes, 12 de marzo de 2004


SUIDAKRA - EMPRISE TO AVALON (Century Media Recs., 2002 )


Produced By: Andy Classen

Tracks: 1- Darkane Times, 2- Dinas Emrys, 3- Pendragon´s Fall, 4- The Highking, 5- The Spoils of Annwn, 6- The Quest, 7- And the Giants Dance..., 8- Song of the graves, 9- Still The Pipes are Calling

Cover Art by Kris Verwimp

Recorded at Stage one Studio

Suidakra´s music goes through the path between death and black metal and adding to their music a lot of melodies and riffs that would not be out of place ina a power metal or heavy metal band and mixing them with faster ones, adding a lot of variation to their music. And the guitar riffs along with the epic melodies (done both on the guitars are the keyboards) are essential for making Suidakra´s music really original and unique (check for example "Pendragon´s Fall" to listen how epic can be a black/death metal band without loosing its power. Another feature that I like a lot is teh combination of extreme vocals with more melodic ones (this ones are done to add a lot of the epic feeling to the songs and a t the same time they complement really well the guitar and keyboard work. An essential release.

Favorite tracks: All the CD


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