sábado, 20 de febrero de 2021





All my dreams came true

Handsmade / Acephale Winter

14 May 2021

Wreche, a high stakes challenger of the metal genre returns with a violent haymaker on All my dreams came true. A colossal masterpiece, this album sees John Steven Morgan working alone - more unhinged, personal, and varied than on Weche’s 2017 eponymous debut w/ drummer Barret Baumgart. At once horrifying and beautiful, All my dreams came true further binds genres like a particle accelerator - an absolutely devastating collision, a nebulaic nightmare of spackled iridescent light and void-lusting despair. Morgan’s brilliant songwriting and narrative structure, equally matched by his virtuosic performances on every instrument (piano, drums, vocals and synths) make this album something to seriously reckon with. 

“Pushing the boundaries” of metal is a given when guitars have been trashed for an 88 key 700lb behemoth running hot on distortion and space echo. Terrifying, subterranean, and heavenly, Wreche transcends the sheer novelty of superficial texture swapping. The album hits the fringes of the most extreme musical ideas-- simultaneously maintaining a loyalty to black metal’s aural aesthetic while hard-flipping the genre's tired old past. Morgan’s lyrical poems tear through art, god, poverty, drugs, love and “life in the big city” as they are screamed with spine chilling conviction that sounds as mad and feral as the world around him. The otherworldly synth design and arrangements are unprecedented- an ominous spectoral presence levitating on the wasteland All my dreams came true paints. This isn’t just an experiment, it’s an interstellar meltdown.

Do yourself a favor and let this album rip your brain apart. Play it front to back and give it time to reveal its myriad miraculous stratified secrets. The invitation is an understatement and to miss this is to miss a masterful and haunting contribution to music, one that will inevitably set the tone for this year in metal. It is, and will be, unavoidable if you listen to extreme music - a ghastly expedition into the ether. 

All my dreams came true arrives May 14, 2021 

Handsmade (Oakland, CA) - Vinyl, Sheet Music

Cassette release by Acephale Winter Productions

Wreche is :

John Steven Morgan [Piano | Drums | Vocals | Synthesizers]


Crosby Morgan [Chorale on “Severed” | 2nd rec. engineer]

Barret Baumgart [live Drums on “Severed”]

Recorded, Mixed, & Mastered by John Steven Morgan at Studio 459 in Oakland,CA

Drums recorded in the airplane hangar at Soundwave Studios Backlot in Oakland,CA



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