domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023




Der Kettenritter

by Verhinderer


1.Geschichten von Verlierern 01:58

2.Der Bettler 03:50

3.Der Kettenritter 05:56

4.Tanz der Unterschicht 03:37

5.Rauseitern 03:06

6.Lokaltyrann 06:43

7.Immer die Gleichen 04:16

8.Trauerweide 05:46

The album "Der Kettenritter" deals roughly with a saga from my district in Leipzig.

There was a knight who owned a manor and strongly oppressed the people around him. He was dragged before the court and sentenced by the Bishop of Merseburg. As a sign of his guilt, he had to wear an iron

chain for the rest of his life. A tombstone of the knight can be found in the local church to commemorate this legend. I used this as inspiration to build up a small medieval world in my head, in which this legend is expanded and, above all, the relationship of the oppressed to the knight and vice versa is taken up. Only there are no winners in my version…

Limited Tape Box and merch available via KVLT und KAOS Productions on 18th August 2023.

CD available at 18th September 2023 via KVLT und KAOS Productions

Available on all streaming services on 18th August 2023.

released August 18, 2023

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