martes, 18 de junio de 2024




Beneath Northern Skies

by Ethos


1.Intro "March of the Fallen" 02:41

2.Valkyrie's Song 04:59

3.Enchanted Nightfall 04:13

4.Elder Pine 06:14

5.Beneath Northern Skies 04:58

6.Whispers of a Nordic Dream 05:17

7.Lone Warrior 05:29

8.Abyssal Incantations 05:02

9.Child of the Night 05:00

Ethos is a deeply personal musical endeavor that blends the raw, ethereal vibe of atmospheric black metal with the haunting, melancholic tones of neo-classical darkwave. Inspired by the rich mythology of the Viking North, this project weaves together musical strands with resonance of folk and Celtic influences.

Rather than adhering to the templates of any single genre, Ethos follows its own path through the amalgamation of styles. The music evokes images of windswept landscapes and echoes the lament of the ancient Norse perspective.

The music samples, created with the assistance of AI, were assembled into complete tracks and then edited and mastered to produce cohesive songs.

released May 27, 2024

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