jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024




Blasphemare MMXXIII

by The Host

Brazilian blackened death metal band THE HOST has released a lyric video for their track "Blasphemare MMXXIII". You can check it here: 


The Host emerged in April 2004 with the aim of exploring a unique musicality within the realms of Black and Death Metal, crafting a powerful fusion of aggression, melody, weight, and dark atmospheres. The Host's artistic expression is an embrace of darkness and a contemplation of chaos, reflecting on the inherent ephemerality of human existence and its inevitable destruction. 

This track is an updated version of the song 'Blasphemare,' originally released on their 2009 demo of the same name.


Baphomet, per sigillum tuum, te ipsum mundo revelat!

Unblessed Host lies upon the altar of flesh.

Scornful blood fills the sacred chalice of death.

Within the temple of lies, we reject their Trinity,

and demons violate the image of Christ.

As we revel in the wicked caress of Lilith's gloom,

with lust and sodomy, we desecrate the virgin's womb.

Ba’al and Asag, unleash your plagues!

I call upon thee, O Lucifer, the radiant king of hate!

Blasphemare! The body and blood of divinity!

Blasphemare! The harmony of Saints heading for the end!

The defilement process shall commence.

All sanctity degraded. By unholy hands, our deed shall be done.

Ascend, O Samael, majestic angel of death!

Harbinger of balance, from which order emerges from chaos.

The Adversary. The bearer of light.

The firstborn. The defiant with all might.

Death generator. Spiritual eraser.

The embodiment of fall and ascension!

Vortex of damnation! End for all things of God's creation!

Deny the Holy Spirit! Vomit upon the sacramental host!

Invert the crucifix! May desanctification purge the lands!

While Apophis reigns supreme, the old world is consumed by flames!

I summon thee to suppress these absurd traditions, from whence this ridiculous race derives. O devil of the flesh... Arise!

Unconsecrated Host on the altar of flesh.

We undermine their feeble faith by the malice of Seth.

We invoke thee, Haures, grant us your wise perception.

O Malphas, raven daemon, fortify us in our grand inception!

Vortex of emanations! End for all things under sacred domination!

Come forth, Unholy Trinity! Cremate God's fragile throne!

Spread your maleficent seed! Mighty ancient dark forces,

sacrileges upon the false Creator. Leviathan, guide our fiery fate!

released August 10, 2024

W.A.R.: Lyrics and Vocals;

Janderson: Guitars;

Alexandre: Bass;

M. S. Werkhauser: Drums;




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