sábado, 16 de febrero de 2002




Track List: Haisha: 1- loser, 2- Secondary Survivor, 3- My Hands, 4- Moral Coma, 5- Gutter, 6- Sinking the Sky, 7- Thrash Hero, 8- Faggot, 9- Damaging Noise, 10- Limerance, 11-Twerp, 12-Being Different, 13- Ass Explodes, 14- Knocking, 15- Breathing Ghost, 16- The Revenge of Mr. Dill, 17- Moral Majority, 18 - Pissing Blood.

Mizuko: 1- Traitor, 2- Suffocating in Radiactive Gas, 3- Happily Never After, 4- Xob, 5- Hated in Cyberspace, 6- Raping a Dead Girl, 7- Keep Sleeping Dreamwhores, 8- Subjective Human Core, 9- Societal Collapse, 10- Azbongazeeowzhi, 11- The Light at the Edge of the Neuroverse, 12- Razing the Sky, 13- Frail Tranquility.

 I will do this review in two parts, one regarding Haisha and the other one regarding Mizuko.

Well, Haisha is an extremely fast and furious death/grind band with hyperfast riffs, short songs. The tracks here have differnt sound...in fact the first two have a completely differnt guitar sound than the other ones, more clear and less thin. The singer has two ways of singing...one that is more guttural in the fastest and shortest tracks and another one that is like a deathly version of Tom Araya (Slayer). There are longer tracks (which I like more) and short grindcore bursts like "My Hands". Also there are some rhythmic tracks like for example "Sinking In the Sky". Ideal if you love the style.

Mizuko start their part with a noisy introduction including some explosions-like sounds and some screams and shrieks before getting into the main part of their first track called "Traitor". The music here is completely different from the one played by Haisha. Here the music is closer to ambient and sonic experimentation. The band goes in the paths that bands like Merzbow and others explored before but adding their touch of originality in certain way of facing the composition of their tracks. Through their thirteen tracks contained here they explore countless possibilities of working with sounds deforming them in a lot of possibilities.

Favorite tracks: Haisha: "Loser", "Secondary Survivor"; Mizuko: "Xob" and "Societal Collapse". Contact: www.morenoise.com/crucialblast

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