How would you define Etoile Noire´s music?
Ferruccio Milanesi: We usually define our music simply "gothic rock", because it's a very general definition: magazines call in this way really different bands, from MARYLIN MANSON to MISSION, to LACRIMOSA, to 69 EYES and we thought it could include also our music.
But it's really hard to find the right definition: probably "rock", with no other adjective, could be the best, because we have various influences, from gothic to stoner rock, punk and metal.
Pasquale Scotti: Yes, our promo starts with "Ascension", aggressive and direct, to finish with "Point Of No Return", with a melodic and calm first part soon becoming red-hot and with a painful atmosphere.
I think the key of our music is "Melt", fusion of dark/gothic and desert rock with a marked tendency to '70 rock.

Has the promo "Sleeping Black Eyes" been well received by the media?
Pasquale Scotti: "Sleeping Black Eyes" has received till now many reviews: the greatest part of them have really appreciated our attempt of mixing different styles, of doing something that could be considered our personal way of making music with something original. Only some of them, even if giving good opinions about our work, has lingered too much over on our yearning for '80 dark music: we're really honoured for they compared us to CHRISTIAN DEATH, but we don't think that it's a good comparison, because it's enough to listen to "Melt" or "Sleeping Black Eyes" to understand that we have a different approach, more rock oriented.
Ferruccio Milanesi: In general, media has been divided in two groups: the open-minded have listened to music we play, judging it for what it is, the others listened but were waiting something they wanted: so we were too dark for metal magazines, too metal for dark ones, too obscure for rock, too rock for gothic.
This is not a problem for us, because don't want to be a gothic band at any cost, to make a copy of any band of the past, or play what they expect from us to be sure they'll appreciate. We want only to be a straight rock 'n roll band, playing what we want, and we decided in this band to be free, so if a stoner riff could be good with a darkwave bass, or a straight rock song after an acoustic part with a violin, I think we have to ask nobody to do this. If people will apreciate (as many are doing) we are happy but if some magazine wants the same pre-cooked soup we are not the right band for it.
Are you planning to release a new album in 2002?
Ferruccio Milanesi: Yes, we hope that our first album will be out before the end of this year, but till now we have not found the right label for us and we're still searching
It seems to me that Pasquale´s vocals have something of a punk influence. Am I correct?
Pasquale Scotti: I don't think so... or I've not thought it till today. I listen so much to punk music but I'm strongly bound to dark rock and gothic. If your opinion about my voice is referred to its being really direct and sometimes filthy, and to the screaming, yes, you're right and I'm happy for this.

How is the process of composing all Etoile Noire´s songs?
Augusto Maiolini: There's no particular procedure, at least concerning the songs that started from my ideas: what I try to do is simply to transfer my grudges, my suffering into the songs I write. I think there's no procedure, this is what you have inside yourself and that's enough.
Ferruccio Milanesi: Usually one of us proposes an idea, and we work all togheter to arrange the song and to make it always better. Composition is for us a work that should be done with the contribution of every member of the band: each one has his own ideas and influences, and that's the way to make our music not unidimensional but the mix of different genres that is our characteristic.
Which are your plans for this year?
Alessio Sica: Our plans are to intensify live activity and at the same time to continue working on new songs: we do love live dimension and we find it's the best way to test new songs and find the best arrangement.
Which are the styles that have influenced more heavily Etoile Noire´s music?
Augusto Maiolini: As far as I'm concerned I'm influenced by every musical genre. Every music that succeed in being expressive could influence me. Music is evolution, not bound to a specific musical style. There are band I listen to more than others, as KYUSS, MOTORPSYCHO, PINK FLOYD, but I'm also interested in bands with a more modern attitude such as MASSIVE ATTACK or PORTISHED. I think that ETOILE NOIRE will be modern and people will like them as long as nobody will be able to define us and enclose in the ghetto of a single style.
Ferruccio Milanesi: I listen to a great variety of music, classical and rock, dark, every kind of metal from glam to grind, punk and industrial. I try to be open-minded, even if obviously I've my preferred styles and bands. I think Etoile Noire has to thank for its music at the same time BLACK SABBATH and CHRISTIAN DEATH, MOTÖRHEAD and KYUSS, CURE and MISFITS, CULT and JOY DIVISION, just to mention some.
How was your work in Amok´s "Ethereal traveller"?
Pasquale Scotti: AMOK was a collaboration between ETOILE NOIRE and our friend ALESSANDRO IZZO, a really talented artist doing electronic music. This project has been our way to attempt different genres and has received receive good consent from listeners and magazines.
The band split up because we listen to electronic music but we don't like too much to play it. But probably in the future we'll resume it, maybe we'll release something, because AMOK's promo "Ethereal Traveller" was really well reviewed by magazines.
What can you tell me about your collaboration with the dark/folk band Argine?
Ferruccio Milanesi: I joined ARGINE in 1998, and till now there has been a great collaboration: we've issued a live Lp, a mcd and the second album, not mentioning various tracks for compilations. We've played live in many italian cities and in Switzerland and I think they are a band with great chances for the future, even if they've been too often limited by labels with too underground attitude who didn't promote, distibute and reissue when necessary. They are finally returning to their post-punk origins and this is a good thing for me because they're coming out of the restricted scene of apocalyptic-folk and trying to reach the world outside. Yet, playing in aggressive way is surely more natural for me, while playing in acoustic concerts was sometimes hard. Probably we'll play live as ETOILE NOIRE togheter with them in some dates.
Alessio Sica: I was enchanted by that kind of music, so when ARGINE contacted me to play on "Luctamina In Rebus" album I did it with great pleasure. After some months they asked me to join the band and I accepted at once, above all cosidering the artistic quality of Corrado Videtta and his band.

What can you tell me about the other members projects?
Pasquale Scotti: I and Ferruccio have formed in 1998 ANIMA IN FIAMME, band dedited to neoclassic dark music, with the use of piano, cello, violin, harp and sometimes contaminated by industrial influences. We've released many tracks for compilation all over the world and the first album "Sub Occasum Solis" for French label PRIKOSNOVENIE.
Ferruccio Milanesi: Music is my life, and my work, so I play also as session bass player in various bands, and unfortunately they're not always playing music I like. I hope in the future I will dedicate all my time and eneregy to my projects, with no need of doing something else.
Yet, I love collaborations, and when some guy of a band I like asks me to play in a song or to work togheter I can't help accepting.
Something more that you want to add?
Ferruccio Milanesi: We really thank you for the interest you have shown in on our music and for the space you give us on your magazine.
If all the people working in extreme and underground music would seriously work and with devotion as you music such as dark, metal and punk could be not only a drop in sea of indifference.
Contacts: ETOILE NOIRE, c/o Ferruccio Milanesi, Via G. Jannelli 45/D, 80131 Naples, Italy
Sleeping Black Eyes - promo CD (2001)
Ferrucio Milanesi - bass
Pasquale Scotti - vocals, acoustic guitars
Augusto Maiolini - guitars
Alessio Sica - drums