1- How has been "Forsaken Symphony" received in the undergound?
"Although Forsaken Symphony is out only for one or two months, it can be said that the responses are very good so far. We have received positive reviews mostly and quite a lot of metal radio stations play the songs. So, we are totally pleased."
2- The sound in "Forsaken Symphony" is raw but yet really effective...was this done on purpose?
"Definitely. In case of the previous album, Grand Destiny, we relied on the sound engineer, who wanted as clean sound as possible. Now the time has come for us to take the control on the sound. Our aim was to create a raw and unpolished sound because it fitted very well to the mood of the songs this time. We wanted to produce a really unique atmosphere and we succeeded in producing it. "
3- Do you consider Sear Bliss a black metal band or is that definition too narrow to describe your music?
"Basically, it is black metal but not in ist purest sense. The arrangement of the songs are for example not typical. It is enough to say that we have been using a brass section since the very beginning of the band. All in all, I would say that we play a black-metal-based music without limits. We believe that black metal is about originality. We don't see reason to copy the Norwegian bands, however we like and respect them. When black metal started in the 80´s, the bands tried to be as unique and original as possible. This is our aim too."

4- How importan are Zoltan´s trombones and barytones to Sear Bliss´ music?
"We have been using a brass section from the beginning, so it is a kind of trademark of the band. When somebody hears the name of Sear Bliss the first what comes to their mind is that "Oh, yes! The band with the brass section!". And musically they play a very significant role: these instruments give the music a real classical touch."
5- How are Sear Bliss songs composed? Do each member bring ideas or each member composes a complete song and then teaches the other ones ?
"We do not have any special way of composing songs. One of us brings an idea and if it is liked by the others, it inspires us to do our own parts. Usually the guitar players are those who compose the basic themes, but the keyboard player, Oliver had also a lot of ideas. We can compose music when we are in a certain mood. It´s definitely needed to be alone when composing. "

6- What are "Forsaken Symphony"´s lyrics about?
"We get our inspirations from inside. The lyrics on Forsaken Symphony are escapes from today´s rotten life and morals. In our lyrics and music we try to be as far from everydays life as possible. Our lyrics have got nothing to do with earth-bound things like politics or social problems, etc. They come from inside and born by our imagination. "
7- How do you see the evolution of the band from "Phantoms" to "Forsaken Symphony"?
"We have definitely improved a lot since then. At that time we were much younger and less experienced than we are now. But our attitude and enthusism towards playing our music is the same as that. We have been trying to make as great music as possible. Yet I think Forsaken Symphony is very much in the vein of Phantoms in its mood. It is a very similar album in my opinion.
8- You have toured with great bands like MArduk, Anathema, Tiamat, Dark Funeral and many others...which was your favorite gig?
"Well, all these gigs had great influence on us and it is really great to remember to them. But without doubt the most remarkable one was the European Tour with Marduk in 1997. It was very exhausting to travel 8200 kilometres in 12 days, but it was worth. We met a lot of exciting people and it was great to play to a different crowd each evening. And it was also great to get aquainted with the guys from Marduk. We had unforgettable parties together."

9- How important are the dark atmospheres and melodies to Sear Bliss´music?
"Two types of music characterize the music of Sear Bliss. On the one hand there is black metal on the other hand the atmospheric/melodic side. These two are the major constituents of the music of ours. But these two serve the same aim: to guide the listeners on the path of darkness."
10- Any final words?
"Thanks a lot for your support! Check out www.searbliss.hu for up-to- date information. We wish you and everyone in the scene of South America a metallic new year!!!"