jueves, 18 de enero de 2024




In a soul-dead world devoid of rational thought, with urges unchecked by compassion, nothing remains but endless, frenzied consumption; an eternal harvest of all flesh. Beneath a sky bleached and burnt into a perpetual storm of unrest, the dwindling remnants of a once proud species exist, minute by minute, in a mindless struggle – eat or be eaten, kill or be killed, rend and brutalise or fall beneath the broken teeth and filth impregnated, talon like nails of the other. No family, no tribe, no bonds or unity, only violence, desecration and destruction. Alone In the cold, grey rain; licking fat and chewing sinew, sucking on slick, wet, unravelling intestines, gnawing on fragments of shattered bone – lost in a never-ending slaughterhouse dream.

The essence of emptiness, of soulless desecration, the sonic embodiment of drowning in violence…to stand before the new album from Indonesia’s Perveration is to become hopeless and helpless in the presence of wanton devastation. Putrefaction Of Infinite Apogee strips away every element of humanity and civilisation, rendering down the listener to their essentials of blood, bone, fat and hunger. Slithering riffs squirm through a liquid filth of inhuman vocals while bludgeoning beats fall like skin-stinging hail. An insidious wickedness writhes within a soup of bile and fear induced excreta. Tracks like ‘Infernal Apogee’ stagger past, like beasts from a warped carnival of nightmares, lumbering rhythms whipped into a frenzy by the cruel whips of shrieking guitar adornments. As ‘Devouring Voraciously’ expresses the unfathomable savagery of this tableau of horrors in a grim collision of blood boiling velocity and incremental landslides of disgust, ‘Abominable Dismembered’ twists itself into unnatural, unimaginable bone breaking, spine twisting forms of agony. The absolute focus and intensity which Perveration have applied to the creation of their demented dreamscapes is both shocking and utterly admirable. Vividly painted in the tainted colours of pain and madness, Putrefaction Of Infinite Apogee will swallow you whole.

A stunning progression from their Perversion In Manifest Disease debut of 2021, Putrefaction Of Infinite Apogee is a horrific work of brutal death metal art. Mixed and mastered by Indra Cahya (Anthropophagus Depravity, Depraved Murder etc) the rich, overwhelming sound displays a mastery and absolute understanding of the genre, infusing each track with terrifyingly visceral and vibrant qualities. The final touch of sickness comes from the artwork of Rudi Gorging Suicide (Fleshhoarder, Devangelic, Desecrate The Faith etc) which sets a seal of utter desolation upon this monstrous masterpiece of primordial punishment. When Comatose Music unleash this monster on February 2nd, 2024 will be immersed into a pit depravity from which it may never emerge.


Sahrul Ramadhan - All instruments

Jossi Bima - Vocals and lyrics

Genre: Brutal Death Metal

For fans of: Skinless | Putrid Pile | Gorgasm | Guttural Secrete

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