lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024




Advent EP

by Rotten Moon


1.Proclamation 03:28

2.Descent from on High 04:43

3.Preparation 01:03

4.Festival of Death 03:26

"All grandeur, all power, all subordination rests on the executioner: he is the horror and bond of human association."

Joseph de Maistre

Heralds proclaim the arrival of the lord Diocletian, the unconquered sun. In his mercy and condescension he wills to present himself to his earthbound slaves and set to rights their disordered lives. All are summoned to the festivities of his advent. Winter is transformed into spring, the entire population celebrates. But as the carnival progresses the mask begins to slip and the jubilation gives way to horror. The operation of state power is revealed as it takes recourse to its habitual means: the public spectacle of torture and death. The promised restoration of paradise on earth becomes instead an image of hell until the emperor, satiated with the blood of his slaves departs to the next city, determined to impose order on his recalcitrant subjects by the only means at his disposal: the stake and the breaking wheel.

The earth and all the seas are filled with Thee

released May 1, 2024

g- everything, except

lydia- scream on track four

candy- art and layout

cover art based on a portrait of constantius ii dispensing largesse, from part 7 barberini ms.

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