domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024




Liberation Weapon

by Gorgon Vomit, Lobotomica


1.Lobotomica - Em Plamares 03:16

2.Lobotomica - Disordem... 00:58

3.Lobotomica - e Progresso 05:30

4.Gorgon Vomit - Bestial Steppah 05:08

5.Gorgon Vomit - White and Favoured By God 02:32

The pursuit of strength in the face of oppression, 'Liberation Weapon' is a call to attention.

On side A Lobotomica introduces the quilombo to a new audience. These quilombo's, diverse encampments of escaped slaves, formed as a necessity against the brutal colonial and post-colonial slavery in Brazil as a refuge as well as an active military force. Through manic screams Lobotimica narrates a bloody plantation revolt, guided and inspired by fighters from the quilombo of Palmares. They are here to say the historical precedent for resistance and survival is sanguine, and ever relevant.

Gorgon Vomit see a familiar face in atrocity, and so leave their hellish, flaming mark on side B. Reformed, reforged by 'the lessons learnt from torture', they aim to empower all against sickening Babylon. The scars of slavery come back like a bladed oroborous, Gorgon Vomit show by example how they hate, how they return blows, how they have killed their masters. Through a battery of blast beats Gorgon Vomit mocks and assaults, and none can stand in their path.


released July 23, 2024

Side A - Lobotomica

Chris Cleo - Bass

James Allen - Guitar

Juda Gentelini - Guitar / Lyrics / Vox / Berimbau

Par Mahn - Drums

Side B - Gorgon Vomit

Ballistik Undying Master - Drums

Black Mane - Guitar / Lyrics / Vox

Diabolical Mocker - Bass

Ruido - Guitars

Produced by Cam Shuck Productions

Recorded by Gorgon Vomit, Lobotomica & Cam Shuck

All music by Gorgon Vomit & Lobotomica

Artwork by Lonely Babs

Layouts by Juda Gentelini

Logos by XXV Art

Special thanks to Manjerico, Mario Cristofi, and to all the brave people who endured and fought for our freedom.

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