martes, 16 de agosto de 2022




The West Hell

by Winter Dynasty


1.Chamber of Ox 06:17

2.Chamber of Rock 05:12

3.Chamber of Mortars and Pestles 05:49

4.The Pool of Blood 05:26

5.Town of Suicide 05:05

6.Chamber of Dismemberment 06:03

7.Mountain of Flames 06:08

8.Yard of Stone Mill 03:23

9.Chamber of Saw 05:20

Band: Winter Dynasty

Album: The West Hell

Genre: Black Metal

Year: 2022

Location: China

Second part of the 18 Levels of Chinese Hell-inspired albums, being this one about the West Hell, which contains 9 levels as well.

The levels contained in this hell are:

Chamber of Ox: Those who abuse animals will find themselves being bullied by animals.

Chamber of Rock: Those who abandon or kill babies will hold a heavy rock and eventually be crashed by it, while being surrounded by putrid water

Chamber of Mortars and Pestles: Those who voluntarily waste food will be forced to be fed by demons with hell fire.

The Pool of Blood: Those who don't respect others will find themselves soaked in blood.

Town of Suicide: People who commit suicide will find themselves wandering in the city. The wind of sorrow and the rain of pain lash day and night this desolate place. They are those who have voluntarily altered the karmic course of the incarnation.

Chamber of Dismemberment: Tomb raiders will find their body being torn into pieces.

Mountain of Flames: Thieves, robbers and corrupt will be thrown into the flames of a hellish volcano.

Yard of Stone Mill: Those who subdue the weak, abuse their power and oppress the people will be crushed and pulverized in a stone mill.

Chamber of Saw: Those who exploit the loopholes in the law and engage in unfair practices in business will be sawn into half by demons. 

released August 14, 2022

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