viernes, 28 de abril de 2023





by Porenut


1.Kráčam, kurim, kašlem 01:32

2.Klatba 05:02

3.Svorad's Castle 04:10

4.V súmraku, majestátnosť 04:23

5.Jonáš 04:49 video

6.Monologues 04:21

7.Bez života 04:04

8.Poreloop 06:43

Nonexistence brings new reign!

Well, at least that’s what I thought when I was writing this album 10 years ago. Breaking the binds of the boring reality, closing myself within my own world and by doing so, giving my Mislife a higher meaning.

Meaning outgrowing even the God himself. Squash him to a black hole, make an empty caricature of himself.

Or maybe not...

Nowadays, like an old worm, I dread looking out of my bubble. What if I suddenly found out that the world ’d been, in fact, quite fine. It is I, who is empty and boring?

I cannot give meaning to my being, within myself, in itself, by itself anymore.

I need others.

Others, whose Mislife is more interesting. Combine it with mine and thus move my work to a place where it should have been in the beginning.

- Pořenut

released April 21, 2023

Pořenut - Music, Lyrics

Neplex - Vocals, Lyrics

Oliver Zisko - Drums (guest)

Recorded and mixed at Nihil Centrum (2020-2022)

Master by SPK Audio

Cover Art by Ján Bátorek

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