domingo, 23 de julio de 2023




Anagram (EP)

by Saahrg


1.Individual Trauma Shadowed By Community Crisis 02:15

2.Anagram I 04:18

3.Anagram II 04:45

4.Toxic Apathy 07:27

Saahrg says:

"This EP started as a look back at discovering my true name and the process of bringing that to reality. So much goes into changing your name. First the choosing, then the integration with others and the legal paperwork and documentation. It feels overwhelming and I was grateful for every ounce of support I got.

The last song Toxic Apathy was a divergence from the name change concept after hearing the news that Roe vs. Wade was overturned and I couldn't move forward with my own processes without addressing my feelings about this tragedy.

I struggled with health issues during the recording and mixing of these songs. At times I could barely play my guitar due to nerve pain. At times I could barely scream due to abdominal pain. At times I could barely write a word of lyrics due to emotional pain. But here it lies finished and I will always remember the struggle.

All proceeds are temporarily funding the purchase of new gear and merchandise.

If you would like to donate the amount of your purchase to The Transition Closet, a non-profit providing binders, gender affirming undergarments and clothing to Trans people locally and internationally, please leave me a message and I will make a donation on your behalf.   "

Original release September 2, 2022

released July 19, 2023

Saahrg: Guitars, Vocals, Bass, Acoustic, Drum Programming, Synth

Additional laughter on Anagram II: Sypria

Cover art: Sypria

Cover design: Saahrg

Recorded at The Humble Apartment Studio and The Fayetteville Public Library Center for Innovation (acoustic guitars and vocals) in Arkansas.

Equipment: Ibanez RG, Fender Stratacoustic, Peavey Vypyr VIP-1, iPad Air II, Pyle PMXU43BT 4-channel mixer, Fostex M321 mic, mastered with Cakewalk by Bandlab.

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