domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024




For No One In Particular

by Hellstedt


1.Bootstrap 05:00

2.Alien 02:57

3.Harvest 02:54

4.One of Us 02:44

5.BRB 01:12

6.Yes Please 05:21

7.Echoes 03:47

8.Fraud 03:22

9.Takes Two 02:40

10.Pretty Words 02:20

For No One In Particular is the debut album by Hellstedt.

Taking inspiration from metal genres like late 80's thrash and 90's groove metal, Hellstedt delivers a personal take on good ol' riff-laden metal music. Best served loud! \m/

To those considering buying the record:

Thank you very much for your support! It really means a lot! I would like you to know that any money I make from this record will go towards recovering the costs of making it. Only when I've done that will I start looking into buying lavish yachts. Just kidding, of course, that's what streaming royalties are for.

Don't hesitate to get in touch through social media or e-mail! (links to the right)

released September 9, 2024

Music and lyrics by Hellstedt

Guitars, bass, programmed drums, tidying the room a bit, vocals, mixing, walking the dog, putting the coffee on, mastering: Hellstedt

(c) Hellsted 2024

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