martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024





by Karlahan

Karlahan is a Metal band from Barcelona that focuses on the fusion of different styles, all of them grounded on melodic death metal.

After a long hiatus, nowadays the band is working on their new album "Vacancy". At the same time, they are preparing the way before the album by recording songs from 2006 up until 2015 as a bridge connecting the unknown evolution of their sound.


1.When Time's Reborn 06:29

2.Beyond the Hills 07:00

After almost ten years, we are back with a renewed spirit; to let those of you who still might like Karlahan to see what has been the journey for us in the shadows.

We have composed a lot of music since we started back in 2006, but you have witnessed only the main songs. We want to show, at least, something about how A portrait of Life evolved into Exile and how Exile will evolve into Vacancy. So this EP is the starting point, from here on, we will release music chronollogically from our birth in 2006 up until 2015, when we started composing Vacancy.

We have always wanted to self release our music, but we were always reluctant because our results were not as good as we wanted. Well, nowadays we can, at least, release music that can be listened to, although we are not there yet, we stil have a long, long way ahead until we can match the sound quality of Exile. For some time, this detail stopped us, but not anymore, we might have a long way ahead, but this time we will share our walk, even if the results are not optimal.

To those of you who still listen to us, please receive our gratitude, it is due to you that we have reborn, we hope that you like what you find in this new time of Karlahan!

released September 21, 2024

Karlahan are

Guillem Rejón

Iban de Dios

Sergi Nuez

Xavi Diví

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